Interview with Misa Lund for Madame Architect

“Misa Lund is the Managing Principal of WHY,  having started at the firm as a designer, then serving as the director of wHY’s IDEAS Studio. She is a strategic thinker, helming the creative management of the firm and its projects, with a foot in both sides of architectural practice. Her approach is rooted in a deep interest in how people and communities can be better engaged in the process of design to create experiences that are unique and relevant.

As the previous Director of the Ideas Workshop at WHY, and now its Managing Principal, she leads a variety of projects and strategic initiatives. She is particularly passionate about working in the diverse cultural landscape of Los Angeles, where after 20 years, it is possible to discover new places, ideas and communities. In her interview, Misa speaks to Julia about designing a practice, encouraging young architects to express their passions and to be open-minded.

JG: How did your interest in architecture first develop?

ML: First, there was a very subconscious influence when I was younger. My Japanese grandfather, my maternal grandfather, was a traditional carpenter and quite well known for his craft in the area. He passed away when I was really young but the stories of his work, of building and making things, were always with me.” […]

-Julia Gamolina

Read the full article:
April 11th, 2019
News,  Press